civil engineering

How can we decide if on balance the economic benefit brought by this plant outweighed the potential safety hazards?

How can we decide if on balance the economic benefit brought by this plant outweighed the potential safety hazards? In late 1984, a pressure-relief valve on a tank used to store methyl isocyanate (MIC) at a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, accidentally opened. MIC is a poisonous compound used in the manufacture of pesticides. […]

How can we decide if on balance the economic benefit brought by this plant outweighed the potential safety hazards? Read More »

Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the SSA for a private company?

Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the SSA for a private company? Was it acceptable to represent a proposed system as existing, if indeed that is what Paradyne did? 2.25 Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the

Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the SSA for a private company? Read More »

Did this relationship give Paradyne an unfair advantage over its competition?

Did this relationship give Paradyne an unfair advantage over its competition? Was it acceptable to represent a proposed system as existing, if indeed that is what Paradyne did? 2.25 Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the SSA for a private company? Did this relationship give Paradyne

Did this relationship give Paradyne an unfair advantage over its competition? Read More »

Was it acceptable to represent a proposed system as existing, if indeed that is what Paradyne did?

Was it acceptable to represent a proposed system as existing, if indeed that is what Paradyne did? 2.25 Is it ethical for a former SSA employee to take a job negotiating contracts with the SSA for a private company? Did this relationship give Paradyne an unfair advantage over its competition? Place Your Order Here!

Was it acceptable to represent a proposed system as existing, if indeed that is what Paradyne did? Read More »

Does this meet the SSA requirement for an existing system?

  Does this meet the SSA requirement for an existing system? ‘Paradyne also claimed that it was acting as a system integrator (which was allowed by the RFP), using components from other manufacturers to form the Paradyne system. These other components were mostly off the shelf, but they had never been integrated into a system

Does this meet the SSA requirement for an existing system? Read More »

Is it acceptable to respond to a bid with a planned system if there is no indication when that system is expected to be available?

Is it acceptable to respond to a bid with a planned system if there is no indication when that system is expected to be available? In preparing their bid, Paradyne wrote in the present tense, as if the com- puter they proposed currently existed, rather than in the future tense, which would have indicated that

Is it acceptable to respond to a bid with a planned system if there is no indication when that system is expected to be available? Read More »

Is there a distinction between a response to a bid and company advertising?

Is there a distinction between a response to a bid and company advertising? In preparing their bid, Paradyne wrote in the present tense, as if the com- puter they proposed currently existed, rather than in the future tense, which would have indicated that the product was still under development. Paradyne claimed that the use of

Is there a distinction between a response to a bid and company advertising? Read More »

Was this a new product announcement with a specified availability date?

Was this a new product announcement with a specified availability date? In preparing their bid, Paradyne wrote in the present tense, as if the com- puter they proposed currently existed, rather than in the future tense, which would have indicated that the product was still under development. Paradyne claimed that the use of the present

Was this a new product announcement with a specified availability date? Read More »