
Which primary stain is used in the acid-fast staining procedure?

Which primary stain is used in the acid-fast staining procedure? Directions: Answer following questions after reading the information and watching the video from the link below. Use color RED or BLUE for your answers. Submit the completed document on eCampus for grading. Refer to · the textbook chapter 3 (3.2) (Nester- McGraw Hill) · Link: […]

Which primary stain is used in the acid-fast staining procedure? Read More »

Mneomonics to remember capsulated bacteria

Mneomonics to remember capsulated bacteria Some Killers Have Pretty Nice Capsule Streptococcus pneumonia (commonly called Pneumococcus known to cause pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, meningitis, bacteremia) Klebsiella pneumonia (known to cause pneumonia, wound infections- surgical site infections, meningitis, bacteremia) Haemophilus influenza (known to cause pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia, ear-throat infections, cellulitis, infectious arthritis) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (known

Mneomonics to remember capsulated bacteria Read More »

2420-Lab 4- Bacterial Staining Techniques-III-(Differential)

2420-Lab 4- Bacterial Staining Techniques-III-(Differential) Directions: Answer following questions after reading the information and watching the video from the link below. Use color RED or BLUE for your answers. Submit the completed document on eCampus for grading. Refer to · the textbook chapter 3 (3.2) (Nester- McGraw Hill) · Link: Bacterial Staining Techniques-III, Virtual Edge

2420-Lab 4- Bacterial Staining Techniques-III-(Differential) Read More »

What kinds of observations might lead to the conclusion that the snail is a parasite, or that it has a mutualistic relationship with the coral?

What kinds of observations might lead to the conclusion that the snail is a parasite, or that it has a mutualistic relationship with the coral? Directions: For this homework assignment, you are required to answer one of the following two critical thinking questions. Please provide strong responses that demonstrate critical thinking skills. In this case,

What kinds of observations might lead to the conclusion that the snail is a parasite, or that it has a mutualistic relationship with the coral? Read More »

Write a Report for Comparing cell contents of plants from different environments

Write a Report for Comparing cell contents of plants from different environments Hand in to your discussion leader a typed lab report. You and your group members can submit identical cover pages and data tables, but your introduction and discussion must be written by you, in your own words. (1) Cover page: including the title

Write a Report for Comparing cell contents of plants from different environments Read More »

SC160 Basic Biology Assignment 3 Essential Biology Discussion

SC160 Basic Biology Assignment 3 Essential Biology Discussion Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be

SC160 Basic Biology Assignment 3 Essential Biology Discussion Read More »

What type of experimental design did this researcher use? 

What type of experimental design did this researcher use? (8 points) A researcher tested whether exposure to images of very thin fashion models causes young women to be dissatisfied with their own body, compared to exposure to athletic body images or neutral (non-body) images. She randomly assigned 120 women from an introductory psychology course to

What type of experimental design did this researcher use?  Read More »

What type of experimental design did this researcher use? 

What type of experimental design did this researcher use? (6 points) A researcher was interested in whether divorce and remarriage influence the extent to which children are sociable. At a nearby school, the researcher classified 5th-graders into one of three groups: intact parents (no divorce), divorced (single-parent families), and remarried parents. The researcher interviewed the

What type of experimental design did this researcher use?  Read More »

The procedure for using block randomization in an independent-groups experiment

The procedure for using block randomization in an independent-groups experiment (4 points) The procedure for using block randomization in an independent-groups experiment with three conditions (A, B, C) and 60 subjects is to A. generate twenty random orders of the conditions (e.g., ACB, BAC) and assign subjects one block at a time (i.e., 3 subjects in

The procedure for using block randomization in an independent-groups experiment Read More »

Which of the following is not required of researchers in an informed consent procedure? 

Which of the following is not required of researchers in an informed consent procedure? Which of the following is not required of researchers in an informed consent procedure? A. description of the nature of the research B. reasons for why deception is used in the research C. information that might influence participants’ willingness to participate D. all of these

Which of the following is not required of researchers in an informed consent procedure?  Read More »