
How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring?

How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring? 1. (10 points) a. How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring?     Possible Genotype Parents Offspring YY 3 4 Yy 3

How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring? Read More »

Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow and y = blue)

Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow and y = blue) 1. (10 points) a. Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow and y = blue)   · Y Y and Y y   Parent 1 Y

Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow and y = blue) Read More »

Mendelian Genetics

Mendelian Genetics   Submitted by: <your name here>   As you complete the lab, record your answers in this template. Save the document as LastName_FirstName_BIO1020_W5A3, and submit it to the Dropbox. Full lab instructions and the rubric with which you will be evaluated can be found in the online classroom.   Activity The laws of

Mendelian Genetics Read More »

How does your answer from question one relate to the Linnaean classification system? (1 pts)

How does your answer from question one relate to the Linnaean classification system? (1 pts) The dichotomous key options became more and more specific as they came closer to identifying the organism just like the classification system starts as a broad category (i.e, animal kingdom) and becomes more specific until a unique species is classified

How does your answer from question one relate to the Linnaean classification system? (1 pts) Read More »

How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts)

How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts) DNA sequencing has allowed for the comparison of genes at the molecular level as opposed to physical traits at the organism level. Physical traits can be misleading when classifying how related two organisms are. DNA sequencing can also trace relatedness through generations and

How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts) Read More »