
Finding Unique Market Spaces and Situational Monopolies

Finding Unique Market Spaces and Situational Monopolies had created a blue ocean marketplace where the other PC competitors were no longer relevant. By August 2010, Apple had become the most valuable technology stock in the world and then became the company with the biggest market capitalization in the world (Crum, n.d.). The Four-Action Framework A […]

Finding Unique Market Spaces and Situational Monopolies Read More »

Finding Better Strategies

Finding Better Strategies thinking, Schultz announced the end of monthly comparative sales reporting, and the chain shifted its merchandising to products that were tied to coffee, such as the now-popular “Via” instant cof- fee. Shultz and his team strategically figured that if they could “integrate Via and other products into the emotional connection we have

Finding Better Strategies Read More »

Review of Systems:  Constitutional:  Negative for diaphoresis and chills.  

Review of Systems:  Constitutional:  Negative for diaphoresis and chills. Positive for fever and fatigue. HEENT:  Negative for hearing loss, ear pain, nose bleeds, and tinnitus.  Positive for throat pain secondary to her laryngeal cancer.   Eyes:  Negative for blurred vision, double vision, photophobia, discharge and redness.   Respiratory:  Positive for cough and shortness of breath.

Review of Systems:  Constitutional:  Negative for diaphoresis and chills.   Read More »

Reason for Consultation: Desaturation to 64% on room air 1 hour ago with associated shortness of breath.

Reason for Consultation: Desaturation to 64% on room air 1 hour ago with associated shortness of breath. History of Present Illness: Mrs. X is 73-year-old Caucasian female who was admitted to the general surgery service 3 days ago for a leaking j-tube which was surgically replaced 2 days ago. This morning at 07:30, the RN

Reason for Consultation: Desaturation to 64% on room air 1 hour ago with associated shortness of breath. Read More »

what is the most common organism to cause a hospital acquired infection?

what is the most common organism to cause a hospital acquired infection? · This week’s case study will introduce concepts related to the pulmonary system and shock states. Read the scenario and thoroughly complete the questions. Some of the answers will be short answers and may not require a lot of details. For example: what

what is the most common organism to cause a hospital acquired infection? Read More »

The Calvin cycle is the second part of the photosynthesis reaction

The Calvin cycle is the second part of the photosynthesis reaction 1- The Calvin cycle is the second part of the photosynthesis reaction. Photosynthesis stores energy from the sun and carbon from the air together in the high-energy molecule, glucose. Like any factory the Calvin cycle needs energy to create glucose. Where does this energy

The Calvin cycle is the second part of the photosynthesis reaction Read More »

Can you think of any other daily behaviors or attitudes that display our predilection for topics such as serial killers and wrongful convictions?

Can you think of any other daily behaviors or attitudes that display our predilection for topics such as serial killers and wrongful convictions? Whether or not you have a vested interest in the Public Safety profession, you have probably found yourself, at one point or another, engrossed by a particularly-lurid episode of Dateline or delighted

Can you think of any other daily behaviors or attitudes that display our predilection for topics such as serial killers and wrongful convictions? Read More »