Business proposal/ networking/advocacy

Business proposal/ networking/advocacy

Business proposal/ networking/advocacy

medi+WORLD    AUSTRALIA provides Medical Education and is a Publisher of Medical journals, especially Middle East journals.

The business proposal that I need to put together is to propose to the Jordanian Ministry of Health or Jordanian Medical Association. to develop a network or some type of calibration with medi+WORLD MMU AUSTRALIA that provides Medical Education and Publishing of Medical journals, especially Middle East journals, for the members of the Jordanian Ministry of Health or Jordanian Medical Association to provide them with Australian Standard Strategies that will be proposed providing them with medical education online and hands on with appropriate facilities, supervisor, educators within their homeland country to reduce the cost . Currently Jordanian doctors are using our services at full cost the benefits of the business arrangement is to enhance and provide the member of the Jordanian Ministry of Health or Jordanian Medical Association at a cost effective by developing the network between the Jordanian Ministry of Health or Jordanian Medical Association and medi+WORLD AUSTRALIA and at the same time to help Jordanian doctors if the wish to migrate to Australian or travel to study in Australian they will not find any difficulties to Adapting to the Australian system and passing the Australian medical examination

MMU has been set up to provide Governments, Ministries of Health and health departments and education authorities, with access to highest standard medical education at greatly reduced costs due to the combination of multimedia and distance education. MMU therefore provides the opportunity to bring countries and doctors up to modern medical standards at reduced costs and shorter timeframes.

MMU already provides full national medical education services and works with key education and government stakeholders.

While MMU offers traditional medical courses via distance education – thus alleviating costs of travel and accommodation – it also provides strategic medical education and

intensive medical education to overcome global shortages of trained medical personnel. All programs are authored by top medical academics in their field, mainly from developed nations and reviewed for doctors and patients in developing nations.

Costs to participating practitioners are greatly reduced due to strategic delivery methods, while maintaining and promoting highest global standards.

The three tier pricing structure is based on World Bank 2005 Purchase Price Parity (PPP) and are indicated as:

Low Income nations
Middle Income nations
High Income nations
Conversely, and this is our biggest area, we provide world CME on a national basis. This is to bring national doctors up to developed world standard plus, provide what we deem as the 20-30% missing medical education. Medical education in disease (e.g. leprosy) that no longer exists in developed countries and medical education where the doctor has no diagnostic equipment and the patient cannot afford the tests or medicines prescribed.

World CME addresses these issues and our Nepal program includes about 30% of such CME on local (socio-economic) conditions. It also respects all cultures; religions etc .Pakistan is now also using the same programs. Their medical educators are reviewing it first (we recommend a slight re-word using local names, terminology, etc) and they have found that where the CME has not equated to the practice of medicine in Pakistan they have decided to change the practice, not the education. This is a heartening result.

We have also done a national CM program for Indonesia and we did one for Iraqi doctors ( during ‘the war’) but we couldn’t get it in on a national basis – we just let them use it for their own self education, and we set up a laptops.

We had official national trials with the CME program in Nepal. Results were interesting. The doctors had access to a laptop or computer to do the electronic based programs but the biggest deterrent was/is that the power only stays on for about 4 hours a day. The computer based CME was deemed a success.

The (best) formula we found for authoring the ‘missing CME’ was using western educated doctors who had spent at least 5 years working in the Nepal medical system.

The other thing we do/have done – we have just completed a Moodle version of it and have about 2,500 universities worldwide using it as formal oncology curriculum – is the ASO program we do for the UN. we mention this as it was mostly was a strategic project. Our original multimedia program had to be able to ‘play on any computer in the world’ and the most interesting aspect was that it had no locality/geography and the most interesting brief was that we had to ‘educate without teaching’ and assume no prior knowledge. To do something for Jordan we really need to look at all sorts of demographics, needs surveys etc (or conduct them) to do it excellently.

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