Building Blocks of Nursing Informatics

Building Blocks of Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics

Nursing Science

Computer Science

Cognitive Science

Information Science

and will continue to do so. “Computing has changed the world more than any other invention of the past hundred years, and has come to pervade nearly all human endeavors. Yet, we are just at the beginning of the computing revolution; today’s computing offers just a glimpse of the potential impact of computers” (Evans, 2010, p. 3). Major computer manufacturers and researchers, such as Intel, have identified the need to design computers to mask this growing complexity. The sophistication of computers is evolving at amazing speed, yet ease of use or user-friendly aspects are also increasing accordingly. This is achieved by honing hardware and software capa- bilities until they work seamlessly together to ensure user-friendly, intuitive tools for users of all levels of expertise. Box 3-1 provides information about haptic technology, computing surfaces, and multi-touch interfaces, which are evolving technologies.

The Computer as a Tool for Managing Information and Generating Knowledge 37


Dee McGonigle Do not get too attached to your mouse and keyboard, because they will be out- dated soon if Immersion, Microsoft, and PQ Labs have their way. From Immer- sion’s (2016) haptic technology, the Microsoft Surface (Microsoft Corporation, 2016), and PQ Labs (2016) multi-touch capabilities, have you ever thought of digital information you can touch and grab? The sense of touch is a powerful sense that we use daily. Haptic technology continues to advance and “brings the sense of touch to digital content” (Immersion, 2016, para. 4). Haptic technology combined with a visual display can be used to prepare users for tasks necessitat- ing hand–eye coordination, such as surgical procedures. Microsoft and PQ Labs are leading us into and evolving the next generation of computing, known as surface or table computing. Surface or table computing consists of a multi-touch, multiuser interface that allows one to “grab” digital information and then collab- orate, share, and store that information, without using a mouse or keyboard— just the hands and fingers and devices such as a digital camera or smartphone. These interfaces can actually sense objects, touch, and gestures from many users.

We can enter a restaurant and interact with the menu through the surface of the table where you sit to eat. Once you have completed your order, you can be- gin computing by using the capabilities built into the surface or using your own device, such as a smartphone. You can set a smartphone on the table’s surface and download images, graphics, and text to the surface. You can even communi- cate with others using full audio and video while waiting for your order. When you have finished eating, you simply set your credit card on the surface and it is automatically charged; you pick up your credit card and leave. This is a different kind of eating experience—but one that will become commonplace for the next generation of users. You can routinely experience this in Las Vegas, as well as in selected casinos, banks, restaurants, and hotels throughout the world.

You should seek to explore this new interface, which will forever change how we interact and compute. Think of the ramifications for health care especially as it relates to the haptic experience and wearables. Explore the Immersion refer- ence provided for you.

As our capabilities evolve, so does the complexity of computer operations. The goal for vendors that provide computer systems and software is to decrease the learn- ing curve for the user while enhancing the user’s capacity to manipulate the system to meet their computing needs. Therefore, the complexity of the operation is concealed by the ease of use.

One example of this type of complexity masked in simplicity is the evolution of “plug and play” computer add-ons, where a peripheral, such as an iPod or game console, can be simply plugged into a serial or other port and instantly used.

Computers are universal machines, because they are general-purpose, symbol- manipulating devices that can perform any task represented in specific programs. For instance, they can be used to draw an image, calculate statistics, write an essay, or record nursing care data. In a nutshell, computers can be used for data and informa- tion storage, retrieval, analysis, generation, and transformation.

Most computers are based on scientist John Von Neumann’s model of a processor– memory–input–output architecture. In this model, the logic unit and control unit are parts of the processor, the memory is the storage region, and the input and output segments are provided by the various computer devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer. Recent developments have provided alternative configurations to the Von Neumann model—for example, the parallel computing model, where multiple processors are set up to work together. Nevertheless, today’s computer systems share the same basic configurations and components inherent in the earliest computers.

Components Hardware Computer hardware refers to the actual physical body of the computer and its com- ponents. Several key components in the average computer work together to shape a complex yet highly usable machine that serves as a tool for knowledge management, communication, and creativity.

Protection: The Casing The most noticeable component of any computer is the outer case. Desktop personal computers have either a desktop case, which lies horizontally (flat) on a desk, often with the computer monitor positioned on top of it; or a tower case, which stands ver- tically, and usually sits beside the monitor or on a lower shelf or the floor. Most cases come equipped with a case fan, which is extremely critical for keeping the computer

38 CHAPTER 3 Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model


Immersion. (2016). Touch. Feel. Engage. Retrieved from /wearables

Microsoft Corporation. (2016). Designed on Surface: A global art project. Retrieved from

PQ Labs. (2016). Introducing G5: 4K Touch Fidelity. Retrieved from http://multitouch .com/product.html

components cool when in use. Laptop and surface computers combine the compo- nents into a flat rectangular casing that is attached to the hinged or foldable monitor. Smartphones also have a protective outer plastic or metal case with a display screen.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)/Processor The central processing unit (CPU) is an older term for the processor and microprocessor. Sometimes conceptualized as the “brain” of the computer, the processor is the computer component that actually executes, calculates, and processes the binary computer code (which consists of various configurations of 0s and 1s), instigated by the operating system (OS) and other applications on the computer. The processor and microprocessor serve as the command center that directs the actions of all other computer components, and they manage both incoming and outgoing data that are processed across components. Some of the best processors include the AMD FX-9590, AMD FX-8320, AMD FX-6300, Intel Core i7-5820K, Intel Core i7- 4930K, Intel Core i7-5960X, Intel Core i5-6600K, and Intel Xeon processor (Futuremark, 2016).

The processor contains specific mechanical units, including registers, arithmetic logic units, a floating point unit, control circuitry, and cache memory. Together, these inner components form the computer’s central processor. Registers consist of data- storing circuits whose contents are processed by the adjacent arithmetic and logic units or the floating point unit. Cache memory is extremely quick memory that holds whatever data and code are being used at any one time. The processor uses the cache to store in-process data so that it can be quickly retrieved as needed. The processor is protected by a heat sink, a copper or aluminum metal block that cools the processor (often with the help of a fan) to prevent overheating (refer to Figure 3-2).

In the past, the speed and power of a processor were measured in units of megahertz and was written as a value in MHz (e.g., 400 MHz, meaning the microprocessor ran at 400 MHz, executing 400 million cycles per second). Today, it is more common to see the speed measured in gigahertz (1 GHz is equal to 1,000 MHz); thus a processor that operates at 4 GHz is 1,000 times faster than an older one that operated at 4 MHz. The more cycles a processor can complete per second, the faster computer programs can run. However, according to Anderson (2016),

Intel has said that new technologies in chip manufacturing will favour better energy consumption over faster execution times—effectively calling an end to “Moore’s Law,” which successfully predicted the doubling of density in integrated circuits, and therefore speed, every two years. (para. 1)

For example, the Intel Xeon processor E5-2699 v4 has a speed of 2.20 Ghz with 55 MB cache (Intel Corporation, 2016), making it more efficient at a lower speed.

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