Big-Idea Themes for Social Studies

Big-Idea Themes for Social Studies

Big-Idea Themes for Social Studies
Theme and NCSS links Questions Key Concepts Activities and Strategies
What is a family?

Who is in my family?

Where do families live?

What do families do?

How do families communicate?


Continuity of human life

The past

Methods of the historian

Humans are alike and different

Families share language, culture, and traditions

Alike and different

Concept mapsrelationships

Interviews with family members

Photographs of family members

Share stories about families

Journal things family does together for a week

Family tree

Family portraits

Dramatic play

Pictures of parents as children

Graph number of siblings in class

Grandparents’ tea

Send email/make cards/write letters

What is the earth?

What is the earth made of?

How big is the earth?

Who lives on the earth?

How do we take care of the earth?

Earth is where we live

Direction and location

Distance and measurement

Maps and globes


Relationships within places


Climate, weather, and seasons

Land forms

Caring for the earth

Life forms

Sky, earth, land, water


Ecological responsibility

Dig/observe: “What’s in a square foot of earth?”

Earth collections: rocks, shells, etc.

Field tripsobservatory, virtual tours

Examine/make a globe

Draw the sidewalk from the second story

Cloud pictures

Weather station


Making maps

Map puzzle

Photo spot in garden at different times over the year

What is a neighborhood?

How big is a neighborhood?

Where are neighborhoods?

Who lives in neighborhoods?

What is my neighborhood like?

How do people in neighborhoods interact?

How do neighborhoods change over time?

Direction and location

Earth is where we live


Relationships within places

The past



Field trips

Photo map of neighborhood

Survey people in neighborhood

Graph types of structures

Old pictures of neighborhood

Neighborhood events

Make street signs with names of streets in neighborhood

Measure distances (steps) to different places in school and neighborhood

The Past
People in the past

Objects in the past

Places in the past

Patterns of continuity and change

Measuring time

Passage of time

Personal/family time line

Daily class journal

Party for 100th day of school

Museum visit

“What is it?” (old objects)

Old photo gallery

Stories about famous people

Take pictures of classroom over the year to observe changes

Sort pictures of self by age

What is a store?

Who works at a store?

How does a store work?

How do people get/buy things?

Needs and wants







Supply and demand

Visit different kinds of stores

Graph/web different stores children know about/visit

Set up store

Make shopping lists/clip coupons

Raise money to buy something

Set up trading post

Make lists: I need/want . . . because . . .

Sort pictures by want/need

Holiday Celebrations
What is a holiday?

How do people celebrate holidays?

What are the holidays we celebrate?

What holidays do people far away celebrate?

Cultures share traditions

Continuity of life


Graph/track birthdays

Collect/display different kinds of flags

Plan a party

Read stories about celebrations in different places

Invite families to share holiday traditions

Make up and name a class holiday

Celebrate holidays: make decorations/food, etc.

Learn holiday and patriotic songs

Plan/have a parade

What is a home?

Where are homes?

Who lives in a home?

How are homes built/made?

What is in a home?

Earth is where we live

People work together to build things

Homes vary by location/culture


Old homes/new homes

Photo document a house or building under construction

Block playbuildings

Photo album of children’s homes

Collage of different kinds of homes

Blueprintsvisit with an architect

Take pictures of “For Sale” signs

Furniture arranging

Dramatic play

What is work?

What is a vacation?

Where do people work?

How do people get to work?

When do people work? (shifts, weekends, vacation, lunch)

What do people do at work?

How do people get paid?


Trip logs

Classroom jobs chart

Time cards

Planning chart for centers

Work clothes for dramatic play

Visitsoffice, hospital

Visitorsprofessionals, trades, public services

How do people move?

How do “things” move?

Where do people go?

What is a vehicle?

How have vehicles changed?

What is public transportation?


Distance and location

People build/make things

The past

People work together to get things done

Collect pictures of buses, cars, trains, trucks, planes, boats, spaceships

City bus systemmap a route and take a ride

Watch local traffic cam at different times during the day and count cars/trucks

Carriage tour

Make roads, bridges, tunnels, rivers in sand table

Airports, bus/train stations

Dramatic play

Block play

Take pictures of different kinds of traffic signs in neighborhood

Collect literature about vehicles and transportation

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