Benefits to Children of Good Home–School Interaction

Benefits to Children of Good Home–School Interaction

According to NAEYC, “Children are the ones who benefit most from healthy, reciprocal relationships between teachers and families” (NAEYC, n.d., p. 9). When young children know that their parents are actively and contentedly involved in their school or center experience, they are most likely to feel comfortable in their away-from-home environment. There are other benefits as well and the following research-based findings are adapted from several sources (Brown, Hemmeter, & Pretti-Frontczak, 2005; Kersey & Masterson, 2009; Keyser, 2006; Prior & Gerard, 2007; Spaggiari, 1998; Valverde, 2006; Willis, 2009).

One important result of parental involvement is that children know that they are supported and are more motivated to succeed. When family members are able to help in the classroom, young children feel secure with their presence and pride in their being there. One thing that family members can bring to class or center is information about their cultural traditions. When they do, their children feel they are better understood and that their cultures are respected. They have opportunities to learn about and appreciate other cultures as well. In addition, student achievement, including test performance, has been shown to increase when parents are involved in the school experience.

The team approach of teachers and parents working together provides further benefits. Research has shown that children’s social/emotional development is enhanced by the good social modeling of teachers and parents interacting well together. When teachers and parents help youngsters view any learning deficits as challenges rather than as weaknesses, they help the children feel encouraged to work harder rather than give up. If communication is difficult due to linguistic backgrounds, bringing translators to meetings makes children feel valued and better understood. When teachers and parents successfully team up, a culture of peace is promoted in children’s lives, both in the immediate sense and as a model to take into the future.

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