Benefits of mindful self-compassion for frontline nurses

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36 l Nursing2022 l Volume 52, Number 5
Behavioral Health
whelming challenge posed by the pandemic on healthcare workers across the globe, and mindfully rec- ognize feelings of fatigue and stress. With such connectivity to thoughts and emotions, nurses can become self-compassionate, which in turn promotes healthy coping. As posited in the Broaden-and-Build Model, MSC and positive emotional expres- sion enable individuals to broaden their scope of possible emotions and behaviors.4 The Broaden-and-Build Model suggests that positive emo- tional expression increases thought-
action repertoires. In other words, when a person expresses positive emotions like joy or gratitude, their choice of possible thoughts in re- sponse to such positive emotions expands. This leads to a wider va- riety of behavioral responses, often including creativity, playfulness, curiosity, and flexibility.5 The rela- tionship between positive emotions (such as self-compassion), positive thinking, and adaptive behaviors helps people respond to difficult situations with flexibility and re- silience.4 Engaging in mindfully
self-compassionate thinking and behaviors add personal, emotional, and behavioral resources to a per- son’s “toolbelt,” enabling them to overcome difficulties, stressors, or criticism.
Evaluating MSC effectiveness Over the past 10 years, MSC has been incorporated into healthcare settings. A recent pilot study exam- ined the effectiveness of an 8-week MSC training program on compas- sion fatigue and resilience in nurs- es.6 In this study, a sample of nurses
Overview of the mindful self-compassion (MSC) curriculum2
Training modules Content overview Content example
Discovering MSC Participants engage in a conceptual introduction to self-compassion with informal practices that can be used during the week.
Participants engage in the Self-compassion Break, through which the three components of self- compassion are evoked through guided meditation.
Practicing mindfulness
Participants receive formal and informal mindfulness practice training as well as the rationale for mindfulness in MSC.
Participants receive 15-minute didactic teaching to build the foundation of mindfulness. They can engage in a Compassionate Body Scan, in which they pay sequential attention to each part of the body and resultant bodily sensations. This promotes a physical sense of self-compassion rather than criticism or shame.
Practicing loving- kindness
Participants discover their own loving- kindness and compassion phrases for use throughout the day.
Participants engage in an interpersonal, group cohesion exercise to build loving-kindness and trust.