Behaviorism and Neobehaviorism

Behaviorism and Neobehaviorism

· Identify one Russian or American Behaviorist or Neobehaviorist psychologist from this unit’s assigned readings.

· Analyze and summarize the individual’s major contributions to scientific or psychological thought.

· Explain how the individual’s ideas adhere to associationism, comparative psychology, objective psychology, physiological psychology, classical conditioning, behaviorism, neobehaviorism, materialism, hereditarism, environmentalism, purposive behaviorism, operationism, hypothetico-deductive system, applied behavior analysis, or radical behaviorism system of thought.

Assignment 2 Due Thursday 25 by Midnight CST

Each student will locate and read a peer-reviewed journal article found in the Park McAfee Online Library and published within the past five years that relates to the main points found in this unit’s assigned chapters.
Each student will summarize the article and provide the URL link to where it is located; identify any relationship between the research article and the main points of the assigned chapters; and discuss how it relates to any main point(s) in this unit’s assigned chapters. Article abstracts are not sufficient for analysis of relationships between the article and the assigned readings historical ideas main points. You must read the entire article to come to your conclusions.

Assignment 3 Due Thursday 25 by Midnight CST

Each student will write a research paper that discusses the development of scientific thought starting with the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers.
The student will move forward while critically analyzing: Modern Science, Empiricism, Sensationalism, Positivism, Rationalism, Romanticism, Existentialism, Physiology, Experimental Psychology, Voluntarism, Structuralism, Evolution, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Neobehaviorism, Gestalt Psychology, Psychoanalysis, & Humanism (19 categories).
The student will then discuss how the traditional schools and systems of psychology have influenced contemporary psychology and in turn affect the application of treatment.
The student also needs to address the ethics and values that have developed with the philosophical thought of human behavior.
The student will look at the role that contemporary psychology plays in different cutltures.
This paper will need to be written in APA style and will need at least 14 references from professional journals. Other references can be obtained from the internet or other means. This paper will be worth up to 200 points. The minimum word count required for the Core Assessment paper is 2700 words.

Paper Must: Differences and similarities between 3 or more schools or systems of psychology were outlined in comparison to the literature. Paper contains 15 or more references from the literature. The references were consistent with the topic being examined in the research paper.

The student identified how 3 or more schools and systems of psychology influenced contemporary psychology and the application of the arguable claim. The student addressed how ethics and values developed and how cultures impacted each school or system of psychology.

Differences and similarities between 3 or more schools or systems of psychology were outlined in comparison to the literature.

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