1. A brief and concise exposition of the basic story, facts, and circumstances.
2. Identification of the problems or dilemmas of the case.
3. Discussion of solutions, both those used in the case and other options that reflect course content, e.g, laws, concepts and definitions.
4. Critique of solutions and consequences and benefits of actions taken.
Presentation Evaluation
1. Basic Story – Good overview, outline, aroused interest with audience, established credibility, explained basic facts of the case.
2. Problems and Dilemmas – Problem(s) identified clearly, explained why problem existed, dilemmas facing actors in case presented with balance and understandability. Cite legal sources or otherwise that contradict the ethics found in the case.
3. Solutions – Solutions enacted by case actors described, optional solutions presented
4. Critiques – Impact of solutions, critique of actions taken, consequences of acting or not acting
5. Delivery Style – Well paced, smooth flow, natural & easy use of notes, projected energy, volume & pitch, posture, professional
6. Organization – Material presented in logical order, continuity of subject matter, focused, timing, appropriate level for audience
7. Questions & Answers – Properly handled, able to respond appropriately, concise and direct, complete, appropriate
8. Conclusion – Repeated key points, summarized presentation, brief, strong
This assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate your grasp of the business ethics concepts to date. Your grade will reflect your level of detail and work. Your paper should be fraught with Legal, Biblical, Moral and Ethical terms. Use the above guidance and you will be on the right track.
Using the RESOLVEDD method of analysis, choose from either of the following cases found in chapter 6 to evaluate: (1) Affirmative Action and Company Promotion Policy, (2) Too Personal To Ask, or (3) Office Gossip. In that in addition to a properly APA formatted cover page, abstract and references, you must apply the RESOLVEDD analysis format. Each component of the RESOLVEDD methodology should be addressed with a separate and clear paragraph headings. Use the format specified in the readings.