Week 2 Discussion RESPONSE-Nursing Theory

Week 2 Discussion RESPONSE-Nursing Theory Respond to 1 classmate with how one of the theorists has influenced your personal nursing philosophy. Classmate’s Post: Dorothea Orem is my favorite nursing theorist. Her Self-Care Theory emphasizes the importance of individuals’ ability to perform self-care activities to maintain health and well-being. Orem proposed that nursing’s primary role is to assist patients

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Nursing Scholarly Research Article Search Assignment

Nursing Scholarly Research Article Search Assignment Scholarly Research Articles #1: View the lesson on professional search engine skills and How to Quickly Scan & Evaluate a Scholarly Article #2: Find 1 qualitative article that applies to your PICO/research question. #3: Find 1 quantitative article that applies to your PICO/research question. #4: Find 1 mixed method article

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With the information bellow create a SOAP note using the format uploaded as guide, on a APA 7 format using scholarly references no older than 5 years

With the information bellow create a SOAP note using the format uploaded as guide, on a APA 7 format using scholarly references no older than 5 years Patient is a 72 years old male with h/o DM and HTN, who came for consultation complaining of swelling and pain on the dorsum of his right foot,

With the information bellow create a SOAP note using the format uploaded as guide, on a APA 7 format using scholarly references no older than 5 years Read More »

Implicit Bias

Implicit Bias 10 power point slides with speaker notes and pictures on implicit bias in an inpatient behavioral Health setting for adults and adolescents. in addition to the 10 slides, please add 10 multiple choice questions at the end that are specific to the Miami Dade population  and have a follow up fact to speak

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Health Care Informatics

Health Care Informatics Answer the following questions as you prepare the organization strategy: 1. What is the current state of your organization’s social media presence? The current state of the organization’s social media presence is non-existent or upcoming. Since the rural area mainly consists of older generations, social media is less accessed and utilized. Also, internet

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