Assignment: The Impact of Pediatric Cancer
There are approximately 18,000 newly diagnosed cases of pediatric cancer (birth to age 19) each year in the United States. There are several types of pediatric cancer that affect children and adolescents, including leukemia, brain tumors, lymphoma, sarcomas, liver, and kidney cancers (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, 2012; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, 2008). Treatments for childhood cancers may include chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, and other treatments. In many cases, depending on the type and stage, more than one treatment may be used together. Each child or adolescent with a pediatric cancer diagnosis is affected differently. Each family and family member is affected differently as well.
Submit your Assignment by Day 7. For this Assignment, select one type of pediatric cancer to evaluate. Consider how a cancer diagnosis and treatment might affect the psychological, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children and adolescents and their families.
The Assignment (5–7 pages)
- Describe the type of pediatric cancer you selected and explain its signs and symptoms, treatment, and prognosis.
- Explain how a pediatric cancer diagnosis might impact the psychological, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children and adolescents and their families.
- Explain how pediatric cancer treatment might impact the psychological, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children and adolescents and their families.
- Support your responses with the Learning Resources and other current literature.
Support your assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.