As with any ethical theory, it is important to be careful in applying virtue ethics.

As with any ethical theory, it is important to be careful in applying virtue ethics.

Problems can arise with words that on the face seem to be virtues, but can actually lead to vices. For example, the concept of “honor” has been around for centuries and is often viewed positively. One sense of the word “honor” is a code of dignity, integrity, and pride. Honor may seem like a very positive thing, especially the aspects related to integrity. But the aspects related to pride can often have negative conse- quences. There are numerous examples in history of wars that have been fought and atrocities committed in order to preserve the honor of an individual or a nation. Individuals have often committed crimes as a way of preserving their honor. In using virtue ethics, it is important to ensure that the traits you identify as virtues are indeed virtuous and will not lead to negative consequences.

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