Annette Williams ECE660: Action Research and Inquiry in Education

Instructor Krummick January 20, 2020
Action Research Literature Evaluation 2
(Using the CRAAP test, evaluate this source for timeliness, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose. Provide the overall score and provide a narrative with a summary of your evaluation.)
information in the article relates to the topic being studied because it investigates the relation between constructivist learning environment and students’ motivation to learn science. The topic being studied was on the level of motivation and engagement of first-grade students in learning science. It is also on an appropriate level because the population studied is elementary students and my research also focuses on elementary students. It would be comfortable using it since it is peer-reviewed. The author of the article is a lecturer at Bartin University’s Department of Education; therefore, he has skills and qualifications in the field of education. The purpose of the article is clear, and the point of view appears impartial. There are no opinions used since the conclusion has been made based on the results of the study. There are no biases in the article. The score for timeliness, relevancy, authority, accuracy and purpose would be 10 out of 10 for each. The overall score for the article would be 5 out of 5.
Title Student Motivation in Constructivist Learning Environment
Author Ayla Cetin-Dindar
Year 2016
Purpose of this Research/Study (Why did the researcher conduct this study?)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between constructivist learning environment and students’ motivation to learn science.
Subjects/ Participants
(Explain the participants of the study.)
The participants were 243 elementary school students. Three different grade level students participated into the study (Table 1); the number of sixth graders was 115 (47.3%), seventh graders were 57 (23.5%), and eighth graders were 71 (29.2%) (Cetin-Dindar, 2016).
(What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?)
The dependent variables were students’ motivation to learn science and their self-efficacy in learning science while the independent variables were the constructivist learning environment and student negotiation and personal relevance opportunities.
(Examine the instruments used to collect data, include any pertinent information on the validity and reliability of the instruments).
The instruments for data collection were science motivation questionnaire and the constructivist learning environment survey.
• Quantitative
(i.e. test scores, rating scales, rubrics, statistics, teacher-made
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tests, report cards, attendance statistics, attitude scales, etc.). If quantitative instruments are not used in this study, please state this in your summary of this section.
• Qualitative
(i.e. surveys, questionnaires, portfolios, exhibits, interviews, observation, visual recordings, photography, oral histories or stories, journals, anecdotal notes, researcher journal, etc.) If qualitative instruments are not used in this study, please state this in your summary of this section.
A survey was developed to assess the constructivist classroom learning environment. The items in the survey included critical voice, student negotiation, uncertainty, shared control and personal relevance.
Intervention(s) Used in this Study
(Summarize what was done to improve a situation or existing challenge that the research addressed.)
The learning environment was improved to help increase the motivation of students in science learning.
(Explain what kind of evidence used to support his/her claims – i.e. statistics, charts, stories, historical documents, etc.)
Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis about the dimensions of the CLES and science achievement were used to support the claims made.
(Based on the results of the study, what conclusions can be drawn?)
Students’ perceptions of learning environment and motivation to learn science affects their science scores.
Relevance to your Proposed Intervention and Area of Focus
(How does this source relate to your area of focus? How does it relate to other articles on this topic?)
This source relates to my area of focus since it evaluates the effect of motivation on science learning. According to this study, the motivation of students to learn science affects their science scores. My area of focus was the different ways in which students can be motivated to learn science.
How does this article inform your action research study?
The study suggests some strategies that teachers can use to increase the motivation of students in science learning. It also suggests that science teachers in schools should reveal how science at school is related to real life by conducting more activities based on everyday experiences
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or metacognitive strategies to increase students’ efficacy.
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Article Summary Table #2
(Using the CRAAP test, evaluate this source for timeliness, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose. Provide the overall score and provide a narrative with a summary of your evaluation.)
The article is recent enough to be relevant to my thesis because it was published in 2016. The information in the article relates to my topic since it also talks about the attitude of elementary students towards science learning. The information is also at an appropriate level since it is about elementary students. The author is qualified to write on the topic since she teaches at the Akdeniz University Department of Education. The information in the article is supported by evidence because there is a bibliography at the end of the article and citations are sufficiently used. The author does not make use of biases and the point of view is objective. The overall score would be 5/5.
Title Elementary School Students’ Attitude toward Science and Related Variables
Author Esme Hacieminoglu
Year 2015
Purpose of this Research/Study (Why did the researcher conduct this study?)
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships among the seventh-grade elementary students’ attitude towards science, their learning approaches, motivational goals, science achievement and students’ nature of science views (Hacieminoglu, 2015).
Subjects/ Participants
(Explain the participants of the study.)
The participants were 3598 seventh-grade students in different regions and cities of Turkey.
(What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?)
The dependent variables were the students’ learning approaches, motivational goals, science achievement and students’ nature of science views while the independent variable was the attitude of the elementary students towards science.
(Explain the instruments used to collect data, include any pertinent information on the validity and reliability of the instruments).
The data collection instruments were the Test of science related attitude (TOSRA), The Learning Approach Questionnaire (LAQ), The Achievement Motivation Questionnaire (AMQ), Science Achievement Test (SAT) and the Nature of science instrument (NOSI) (Hacieminoglu, 2015).
• Quantitative
(i.e. test scores, rating scales, rubrics, statistics, teacher-made tests, report cards, attendance statistics, attitude scales, etc.)
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• Qualitative
(i.e. surveys, questionnaires, portfolios, exhibits, interviews, observation, visual recordings, photography, oral histories or stories, journals, anecdotal notes, researcher journal, etc.)
Questionnaires were used in the study.
Intervention(s) Used in this Study
(Describe what was done to improve a situation or existing challenge that the research addressed.)
The study suggested that the school counselling service should offer guidance to the parents of the children about the ways in which they can encourage children to develop a more positive attitude towards science.
(Explain what kind of evidence used to support his/her claims – i.e. statistics, charts, stories, historical documents, etc.)
Multiple regression analysis was used to support the claims, and there was a positive correlation between the students’ attitude towards science learning and learning goal orientation, self-efficacy, meaningful learning, performance goal orientation, students’ NOS views and rote learning.
(Based on the results of the study, what conclusions can be drawn?)
Students’ meaningful learning, NOS views and self-efficacy positively contribute to their science achievement. The application of different science and technology curriculums by the teachers and varying classroom environments lead to negative feelings about science to students.
Relevance to your Proposed Intervention and Area of Focus
(How does this source relate to your area of focus? How does it relate to other articles on this topic?)
This article relates to the area of focus since it covers the attitude of elementary students towards science learning.
How does this article inform your action research study?
This article provides information on things that can help maintain a positive attitude towards science learning by students such as the motivational goals and learning approaches. It also explains the importance of school counselling services in motivating students.
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