analyze advertisements via various different media channels by applying basic concepts in consumer psychology and buyer behavior covered in class.

analyze advertisements via various different media channels by applying basic concepts in consumer psychology and buyer behavior covered in class.

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[MKT 787] Term Paper Guidelines and Rubrics

1. General Information

The topic of the term paper is to analyze advertisements via various different media channels by applying basic concepts in consumer psychology and buyer

behavior covered in class.

First, choose a specific brand and product. Each team should email the name of the brand and product to the instructor by April 1.

Second, find at least 6 advertisements (i.e., 2 advertisements from each of the following channels) for the chosen product channel.

1) Print (newspapers, magazines, etc.)

2) Broadcast (television, radio)

3) Online (websites, web videos, pop-ups, social networking sites, etc.)

Third, analyze each of the advertisements in detail by using the following concepts in consumer psychology and buyer behavior covered in class.

1) Consumer Motivation & Personality

2) Consumer Perception

3) Consumer Learning (Not required for the first draft)

4) Attitude Formation and Change (Not required for the first/second draft)

5) Social and Cultural Settings (Not required for the first/second draft)

Fourth, summarize the advertising strategy used for the chosen product. (Not required for the first/second draft)

Last, suggest how to improve the advertisements based on the concepts in consumer psychology and buyer behavior covered in class. (Not required for the

first/second draft)

1) Objective

The term paper is designed to integrate the entire material covered in class. The term paper will help students to apply the concepts covered in class and improve

their critical thinking and written communication skills.

2) Format

Each group needs to hand in the first (maximum of 15 pages – not including references, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margin on all sides), second, and third

drafts and the final paper (maximum of 30 pages – not including references, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margin on all sides). In preparing your paper, be

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sure to footnote or reference the original sources (APA style) that you took your information from. Please do not summarize information without giving credit to

the source from which it was taken. A website link to the APA Style Guide is available on Moodle.

3) Collaboration

Each member of a group will get the same points for the short papers and final report, assuming equal contributions by each group member. However, the student’s

individual score will also depend on his or her relative contribution. In order to evaluate the relative contribution, students will be required 1) to write down

group meeting time, place, members attending, discussion topics, link to a Google Doc, etc. on the group’s wiki on Moodle, 2) to include a summary describing

which part was done by each member at the time the short papers, the final paper, and the PPT slides are submitted, and 3) to complete the confidential peer/self

evaluation on Moodle at the end of the semester.

Please use Google Docs to collaborate more effectively with your team members. Google Docs makes it possible for a team to work on the same document at the

same time. If you want to consult the instructor before you submit your paper, please email the instructor after adding the instructor as a viewer. The Website links

for “How to use Google Docs” will be available on Moodle.

4) Submission

One of the group members should upload each paper for the whole group on Moodle before 11:59 PM on the due date. Please make sure a different member

submits each paper (i.e., 1st Draft, 2nd Draft, 3rd Draft, Final Paper). Hard copy is NOT accepted.

Late submission will NOT be accepted. In a rare case of a late submission being accepted by the instructor, 10% of the total points will automatically be deducted

each day after the due date.

2. Rubric

Papers will be evaluated based on: 1) the level of understanding of the concepts in consumer psychology and buyer behavior covered in class, 2) the ability to

analyze ads by applying the concepts, 3) the ability to think critically and suggest how to improve the ads based on consumer psychology, and 4) the ability to

write clearly and effectively.

Section Evaluation Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

Analysis of






(6 points)


Demonstrates a

sophisticated level (90-

100%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Motivation

& Personality”

Demonstrates an

acceptable level (70-

89%) of understanding

of “Consumer

Motivation &


Demonstrates a lack

(below 70%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Motivation

& Personality”

No attempt made

Analysis Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

Analyzes the ads by

applying concepts of

No attempt made

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concepts of “Consumer

Motivation &

Personality” and

provides support

concepts of “Consumer

Motivation &

Personality,” but gives

little or no support

“Consumer Motivation

& Personality” that are

not relevant and gives

little or no support



(6 points) Understanding

Demonstrates a

sophisticated level (90-

100%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Perception”

Demonstrates an

acceptable level (70-

89%) of understanding

of “Consumer


Demonstrates a lack

(below 70%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Perception”

No attempt made


Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Consumer

Perception” and

provides support

Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Consumer

Perception,” but gives

little or no support

Analyzes the ads by

applying concepts of

“Consumer Perception”

that are not relevant

and gives little or no


No attempt made



(6 points) Understanding

Demonstrates a

sophisticated level (90-

100%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Learning”

Demonstrates an

acceptable level (70-

89%) of understanding

of “Consumer


Demonstrates a lack

(below 70%) of

understanding of

“Consumer Learning”

No attempt made


Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Consumer

Learning” and provides


Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Consumer

Learning,” but gives

little or no support

Analyzes the ads by

applying concepts of

“Consumer Learning”

that are not relevant

and gives little or no


No attempt made


(6 points)


Demonstrates a

sophisticated level (90-

100%) of

understanding of


Demonstrates an

acceptable level (70-

89%) of understanding

of “Attitude”

Demonstrates a lack

(below 70%) of

understanding of


No attempt made


Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Attitude”

and provides support

Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Attitude,”

but gives little or no


Analyzes the ads by

applying concepts of

“Attitude” that are not

relevant and gives little

or no support

No attempt made

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Social and



(6 points)


Demonstrates a

sophisticated level (90-

100%) of

understanding of

“Social and Cultural


Demonstrates an

acceptable level (70-

89%) of understanding

of “Social and Cultural


Demonstrates a lack

(below 70%) of

understanding of

“Social and Cultural


No attempt made


Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Social and

Cultural Settings” and

provides support

Analyzes the ads by

applying relevant

concepts of “Social and

Cultural Settings,” but

gives little or no


Analyzes the ads by

applying concepts of

“Social and Cultural

Settings” that are not

relevant and gives little

or no support

No attempt made

Section 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 point 0 points


(8 points)

Suggests how to

improve the ads which

are relevant to the

target market and

positioning of the

brand/product in a

highly detailed manner

Suggests how to

improve the ads which

are relevant to the

target market and

positioning of the

brand/product in a

fairly detailed manner

Suggests how to

improve the ads which

are relevant to the

target market and

positioning of the


Suggests how to

improve the ads which

are not relevant to the

target market and

positioning of the


No attempt made

Writing Mechanics

(6 points)

Demonstrates well-

organized writing with

clear, concise, and

grammatically correct


Demonstrates relatively

well-organized writing

with clear, concise, and

grammatically correct

sentences and only a

few errors

Demonstrates a lack of

writing skill

No attempt made

Total: 44 points

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[MKT 787] Final Presentation Evaluation Form




Improvement Fair Good Excellent

Time Management

– Finish the presentation in 13-17 minutes

– Allocate your time effectively for the required sections

– Have PPT slides and other audiovisuals ready for the presentation

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– Use the text on the slides as a prompt for the original narration

– Use large enough fonts to be read from a distance

– Use good contrast between the font colors and background colors

– Make no mechanical or grammatical errors

——-2——- ——-4——- ——-6——- ——-8——- ——10——


– Project your voice to be heard clearly by the audience

– Use varied tones to emphasize important points

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– Keep well-balanced eye contact with the audience

– Do not read from your notes/power point slides

– Do not keep eye contact only with the instructor

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– Present with enthusiasm

– Present with assurance and confidence

– Be poised

– Maintain a straight posture

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