Analysis comprehensively addresses the assigned case questions
3. Team Case Presentations (20% of course grade) For case presentations, you will work in teams that will be formed at the beginning of the
semester. In class, on each week that a case is assigned, all teams will have 20 minutes to work
together to create a case presentation (PowerPoint) that addresses the assigned case questions
(using the Case Presentation Template posted for the case on Sakai). I will randomly choose two
or three teams to present their case analysis in class each week. Your case presentation may not
exceed 10 minutes in length. Your team will be called on between one and three times
throughout the semester to present, and you will not know whether your team is presenting until
case presentations have begun in class each night. Therefore, all teams will need to prepare to
present the assigned case each week. Following your team’s presentation, I will ask you
questions about your analysis and recommendations. Note that your team’s responses to these
questions will also factor into your grade for the presentation. Your final case presentation grade
will be an average of the grades your team receives for case presentations throughout the
Note that you are not expected to consult with your teams on the case questions prior to the class
at which a case will be discussed. However, for each assigned case, all team members are
expected to come to class individually prepared with thoughtful answers to the questions
assigned for that week, as well as a copy of the case.
Case Presentation Grading Criteria
Case presentations will be graded based on the following criteria:
Analysis reflects a thorough reading and reflection on the assigned case
Analysis offers integrative insights drawn from knowledge developed in this course
Analysis comprehensively addresses the assigned case questions
Analysis explicitly examines contrasting viewpoints and/or alternative solutions when relevant, as well as pros and cons of potential recommendations
Analysis reflects critical thinking with an eye toward short- and long-term implications
Recommendations reflect a consideration of the resources required for implementation (i.e., organizations do not have bottomless pockets, and resources must come from
Case Team Agreements
By the third class, each case team must submit a team agreement, signed by all team members,
which explicitly addresses how the team will handle the following matters:
1. Team member absences (note that a team may still be asked to present in the absence of
2. Expectations concerning team member preparation for cases prior to class
4. Team Project (25% of course grade) A separate handout detailing team project requirements and the team project grading rubric will
be provided in class.
5. In-class Exam (25% of course grade) The in-class exam will cover the principles discussed in the course, in class readings, and in case
discussions and will test your ability to apply key concepts to organizational scenarios. The exam
will be cumulative with coverage through the class immediately preceding the exam. Exam
questions will require short answer/short essay responses.
Course Policies
1. All known student disabilities and religious holidays will be accommodated. If you have a condition (e.g. pregnancy, learning disability, etc.) or holiday that needs accommodation,
please see me early in the semester so that we can take appropriate steps.
2. All students will be expected to be familiar with and abide by the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the student’s failure of the
course and referral to the Office of Student Conduct.
3. Assignments and Examinations: Assignments will not be accepted after the noted due date unless special arrangements have been made with the professor in advance. Students will not
be permitted to take examinations after the exam date stated on the syllabus. All requests for
make-up exams must be made on the first day of class, and make-up exams must be taken
prior to the scheduled examination time in class.