Source: Adapted from Alksen, L., Wellin, E., Suchman, E., et al. (n.d.). A conceptual framework for the analysis of cultural variations in the behavior of the ill. Unpublished report. New York City Department of Health. 79
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2. The assumption of the sick role stage. The person seeks help and shares the problem with family and friends. After moving through the lay referral system, seeking advice, reassurance, and validation, the person is temporarily excused from such responsibilities as work, school, and other activities of daily living as the condition dictates.
3. The medical care contact stage. The person then seeks out the “sci- entific” rather than the “lay” diagnosis, wanting to know the following: Am I really sick? What is wrong with me? What does it mean? At this point, the sick person needs some knowledge of the health care system, what the system offers, and how it functions. This knowledge helps the person select resources and interpret the information received.