Activities that are both urgent and important must be completed.

Activities that are both urgent and important must be completed.

Activities that are impor- tant but not urgent may make the difference between career progression and maintaining the status quo. Urgent but not important activities must be completed immediately but are not con- sidered important or significant. Busywork and wasted time are self-explanatory.

Additionally, others’ emergencies or crisis can intrude on your priorities. Again, determine if these are truly urgent and important or if the person is overreacting to an immediate situation.

Daily Planning and Scheduling Once goals and priorities have been established, you can concentrate on scheduling activities. Prepare a to-do list each day, either after work hours the previous day or early before work on the same day. The list is typically planned by workday or workweek. If you have a combination of many responsibilities, a weekly to-do list may be more effective. Flexibility must be a major consideration in this plan; some time should remain uncommitted to allow you to deal with

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