Category of Time Use Examples

Category of Time Use Examples

Important and urgent Replacing two call-offs and ensuring sufficient staffing for the upcoming shift.

Important, not urgent Drafting an educational program for nurses on the changes in Medicare reimbursement.

Urgent, not important Completing and submitting the “beds available” list for a disaster drill.

Busywork Compiling new charts for future patient admissions.

Wasted time Sitting by the phone waiting for return calls.


emergencies and crises that are sure to happen. The focus is not on activities and events, but rather on the outcomes that can be achieved in the time available.

A system to keep track of regularly scheduled meetings (staff meetings), regular events (annual or quarterly report due dates), and appointments is also necessary. This system should be used when establishing the to-do list; it should include both a calendar and files.

The calendar might include information on the purpose of the meeting, who will be attending, and the time and place. Several commercial planning systems are available, including software for computers or smart phones. Any such system includes a daily, weekly, or monthly calendar; a to-do section; a memo or note section; and an address book with phone numbers. Separate files for projects, committees, or reports should be kept arranged by date.

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