Guidelines for Leading Group Meetings
● Begin and end on time. ● Create a warm, accepting, and nonthreatening
climate. ● Arrange seating to minimize differences in power,
maximize involvement, and allow visualization of all meeting activities. (A U-shape is optimal.)
● Use interesting and varied visuals and other aids. ● Clarify all terms and concepts. Avoid jargon. ● Foster cooperation in the group. ● Establish goals and key objectives. ● Keep the group focused. ● Focus the discussion on one topic at a time.
● Facilitate thoughtful problem solving. ● Allocate time for all problem-solving steps. ● Promote involvement. ● Facilitate integration of material and ideas. ● Encourage exploration of implications of ideas. ● Facilitate evaluation of the quality of the
discussion. ● Elicit the expression of dissenting opinions. ● Summarize discussion. ● Finalize the plan of action for implementing
decisions. ● Arrange for follow-up.