Do you know what standards and outcome measures are used in your clinical setting?

Do you know what standards and outcome measures are used in your clinical setting?

Questions to Challenge You 1. Imagine that an organization is debating among several quality management programs. What would

you recommend? Why? 2. Do you know what standards and outcome measures are used in your clinical setting? How are data

handled? Are they shared with employees? 3. What comparable groups, both internal and external, are used for benchmarking performance in

your organization? 4. Universities also use benchmarking. What institutions does your college or university use to bench-

mark its performance? Find out. 5. Have you, a family member, or a friend ever had a serious problem in a health care organization that

resulted in injury? What was the outcome? Is this how you would have handled it? What will you do in the future in a similar situation?

6. Have you or anyone you know ever made a mistake in a clinical setting? What happened? Would you assess the organization as a blame-free environment?




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