A large amount of research has been conducted among members of the Asian American populations. The study described in the following article is one example:

Lee, J and Bell, K. (2011) The Impact of Cancer on Family Relationships Among Chinese Patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 22(3), 225–234.

This qualitative research study examined the impact of cancer on family relationships among members of a Chinese cancer support group. There were 96 participants at group meetings over an 8-month span of time—40% of whom were family mem- bers. The methods used included participant observation and in-depth interviews with 7 group members were held. The interview schedule is published in the article.

The findings were that family members were an integral part of the support group. Patients expressed concern about family members and family members identified “equal suffering” when they cared for patients. There was a strong emphasis on the need to conceal emotion. Patients were also anxious about burdening their family members.

The authors concluded that the findings highlight the need for practitioners to focus on the entire family when they develop interventions to help cancer pa- tients cope. They recommend that research should focus on gender differences in Chinese families’ experiences of cancer as well as possible differences that may be found based on length of immigration.

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