Help eliminate both physical and psychological problems.

Help eliminate both physical and psychological problems.

Vital points therapy and/or massage may be used to reduce pain, lessen fatigue, or improve cir- culation. Ayurveda proposes that there are 107 “vital points” in the body where life energy is stored, and these points may be massaged to improve health. Other types of Ayurvedic massage use medicinal oils.

In Ayurveda, the distinction between food and medicine is not as clear as in Western medicine. Food and diet are important components of Ayurvedic practice, so there is a heavy reliance on treatments based on herbs and plants, oils (such as sesame oil), common spices (such as turmeric), and other naturally occurring substances.

Currently, some 5,000 products are included in the “pharmacy” of Ayurvedic treatments. The following are a few examples of how some botani- cals (plants and their products) have been or are currently used in treatment. In some cases, these may be mixed with metals.

• The spice turmeric has been used for various diseases and conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and wound healing.

• A mixture (Arogyawardhini) of sulfur, iron, powdered dried fruits, tree root, and other substances has been used to treat problems of the liver.

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