Psychology Paper

Psychology Paper

The Final Paper should consist of a minimum of three to five typed pages. You must have at least three pages of writing,  title page, abstract (if included) and reference list do not count in the number of pages. Each paper option has a format that should be followed in order to ensure you have met all of the requirements.

Be sure that the paper submission adheres to the following formatting requirements:

  • Use double-spacing.
  • Use size 12 font Arial or Times New Roman. Do not try to increase your paper length with another font.
  • Set margins to one-inch on all sides.
  • Be sure to include your name/course title on the first page.
  • Write in complete sentences, use good English grammar, and correct spelling.
  • APA documentation style must be used when citing references in context and bibliography (if any).
  • Your paper will be ran through Safe Assign to prevent plagiarism.

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