Rough Draft
The rough draft should include all of the elements of the final literature review, specifically:
- Title Page: Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.
- University Publication License/Copyright: Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.
- Abstract: The abstract is limited to 200 words, and highlights the purpose, method (literature sampling strategy), major finding(s) from analyses, and conclusion.
- Table of Contents: Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.
- Introduction: Identifies the student’s specific literature review topic, explicitly articulating a unifying, overarching theme that will guide the project
- Literature Review: Summarizes the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question by synthesizing themes, methods, results, and/or theoretical framework used in current literature. Each theme should end with a short conclusion and transition to the next section.
- Discussion: Synthesis of critical analysis of the literature (Reiterate common themes – what can you learn from what others have studied by looking at the whole picture?) Identifies new knowledge gained through integration of literature findings (What new knowledge have you or do you anticipate being able to generate based on your review? How can this information add to our understanding of the overall topic?
- References: Includes a complete reference list, formatted to APA standards. References are from scholarly sources and current (within the last ten years).
- Rubric: Complete a self-assessment of your literature review using the rubric and attach it to the assignment. This is intended to help you focus on the standards for assessing the literature review and to evaluate your progress. This will facilitate dialogue with your instructor about areas for improvement.