Formulate an Ethical Decision

Formulate an Ethical Decision


1. Review Stone’s nine-step (or ten-step in the 5th edition) systematic model developed for ethical decision-making in chapter one of the textbook,  Ethics and the Law by Carolyn Stone, Ed.D.).

2. Apply Stone’s nine-step (or ten-step in the 5th edition) model to identify an appropriate course of action for the following school-based case study on confidentiality below.

3. Download and work directly in the Case Study Template provided below . Be sure to include the following:

1. Analysis of each of the 9 STEPS focused upon the school-based case study provided.

2. Development of nine thoughtful, in-depth paragraphs (at least one paragraph for each of the 9 STEPS) addressing the aspects of each step by negotiating the nuances of the ethical dilemmas found in the case study through the lens of the professional school or college counselor.

4. Submit your completed template by Sunday.

School-Based Case Study: Confidentiality

A 17-year-old Asian American high school student stops by your counseling office to talk to you about changing her schedule. During your conversation with her, you notice how flat her affect is and how she keeps her head down as she communicates with you. You try to maintain eye contact with her, but she keeps averting your attempts. Besides the flat affect, she also presents with low energy and admits she isn’t sleeping well at night. She blames her lack of sleep on her recent low grades and says that is why she needs to change her schedule. She wants you to help her find less demanding classes/teachers so she can get her grades raised.

Points to consider:

· As you continue to talk with her, what additional questions would you want to ask her?

· How would you determine if she is at risk for self-harm?

· Are there possible cultural issues involved?

· What legal/ethical issues might be part of this scenario?

Additional Resources

· Stone, C. (2001).  Steps: Solutions to ethical problems in schools . In 

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