GYNHistory and Physical Template
HPI – First sentence should include age, parity, LMP and present problem (details about cc andotherrelevant information).
MenstrualHistory |
Menarche,duration,flowandcyclelengthofmenses,IMB(intermenstrual bleeding), or contact bleeding, dysmenorrheal, PMS,climacteric |
GynecologicHistory |
Breasthistory–historyofbreastdisease,breastfeeding,theuseofSBE(Self Breast Exam),last mammogram(if applicable) |
Previousgynsurgery(caninclude insurgical history) | |
Historyofinfertility | |
HistoryofDES(diethylstilbestrol)usebypatient’smother | |
Lastpap smear– historyof abnormal pap | |
Contraceptive/SexualHistory |
Currentmethod/patients’satisfactionwithcurrentmethod |
PastMethods | |
Currentsexuallyactivity | |
Numberof Partners | |
Newpartner in last 3 months | |
Condomuse | |
History of Domestic Violence |
Operations/transfusions |
Allergies | |
Medications | |
Habits(smoking, alcohol use,drug use, etc.) | |
warts,trichomonas, HIV, TB, rheumatic fever, hepatitis) |
Medicalillness | |
SocialHistory |
Maritalstatus |
Employment | |
Age andhealth of children | |
FamilyHistoryCardiovascular, Diabetes, HTN, etc. (same questions as on your typhon documentation)
ConcentrateofGY/GI;pertinentnegativesmayinclude,abnormaldischarge,abnormalbleeding,dyspareunia,abdominal/pelvicpain,dysuria,hesitancy,urgency,incontinence,changeinbowel habits,
rectal bleeding |
dryness,abnormalbleeding,irritability,depression,moodchanges |
PE |
VitalSigns |
Thyroid | |
Breasts | |
Lungs | |
Heart | |
Abdomen | |
Extremities | |
Pelvic Exam |
Externalgenitalia |
Vagina | |
Cervix | |
Uterus | |
Abdomen | |
Recto-vaginal |
PELVIC: Normal appearing external female genitalia, normal vaginal epithelium, no abnormal discharge.
- Normal appearing cervix. No cervical motion tenderness
- Uterus is smooth, mobile and, nontender. Describe the position of the uterus Anteverted, retroverted, or military position
- No palpable adnexal masses.
- No anoperineal lesions. Rectovaginal exam was normal.
- A thin prep pap smear was obtained.
SKIN: No concerning lesions
The image demonstrates various types of cervices you may wish to compare with your patients in GYN clinical.