Alabama faces serious problems with chronic health conditions related to lifestyle choices, poverty, and access to quality health care.

Alabama faces serious problems with chronic health conditions related to lifestyle choices, poverty, and access to quality health care. In this assignment, you will research and the following Alabama Healthcare issues

Problem Assessment Assignment

PROBLEM ASSESSMENT – To collect, analyze, and evaluate data in order to make sound and effective decisions or develop solutions to problems.Problem Assessment involves assessing the scale and extent of the problem, as well as its cause and effect. It is systematic and logical. In healthcare, it aims to answer the question: to what extent does (or will) the problem impact upon the goals and objectives of good health and healthcare delivery.

Alabama faces serious problems with chronic health conditions related to lifestyle choices, poverty, and access to quality health care. In this assignment, you will research and the following Alabama Healthcare issues.
1. Reduce the rate of opioid-associated addictions and deaths

Deliverable: Problem Assessment Paperprovides a discussion and understanding of the key problem. The paper should be about 5-7 pages, not including references and appendices. The paper should be easy to read i.e. well organized with a logical flow of thought, use headings andsubheadings, it caninclude charts and tables. Charts and tables included in the paper should be described/discussed in the text and support the paper.The paper should include at least seven references. See reference section below.

See: The Community Toolbox: Section 5 – Analyzing Community Problems.

The paper should follow the format below:
– Introduction
o Define the issue/problem. Summary of the problem, including key data
– Background and Problem Assessment
o Background – (context and statement of the problems)
o Describe the problem; identify the scale, extent, cost and impact of the problem on Alabama. Identify frequency, duration and severity of the problem.
o If possible, identify the cause and effect of the problem
o Include data on the problem/issue, how big is the problem, people, physicians, hospitals affected. Identify the size, scale, scope, incidence and prevalence of the problem. How does Alabama compare to other states? This will require research. The County Healthcare Rankings in the reference section below will be helpful.
o The papermust be referenced to support the data provided.
– Conclusion
o Final statement of the problem – why is this a problem, summary data.

Double-space the document, except for the references – follow APA format for the reference. The entire paper does not need to follow APA format, just the references. A specific font or font size is not required; however, be reasonable and professional, i.e. font size between 10 and 12, and a common, easy to read font such as Calibri, Times New Roman, Ariel, etc., nothing overly fancy or stylized. Do not try to make up for lack of content with large font size.

The references do not count towards the page maximum. In addition, you can have appendices, charts, graphs, etc. at the end that support your policy proposals, and are not included in the page maximum. Any appendices should be referenced in the paper and support the paper. They should not be random attachments.

References should be cited in the paper and at the end of the paper in APA format.
The references should be quality, peer-reviewed references from reputable journals. Acceptable quality, peer-reviewed journals include, but are not limited to:
• Health Affairs,
• New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM),
• American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) and
• Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
You can also use publications from governmental and quasi-governmental agencies/organizations such as:
• Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),
• Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),
• Congressional Budget Office (CBO),
• Congressional Research Services (CRS),
• World Health Organization (WHO),
• Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (EOCD),
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
• U. S. Census Bureau, and others
In addition, reports from reputable research organizations are acceptable, including but not limited to:
• Mathematica,
• Common Wealth Fund,
• Kaiser Family Foundation, and
• Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
• County Healthcare Rankings developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute – www.countyhealthrankings.org
Professional organizations are also acceptable. You should recognize that they are interest groups with a particular policy perspective that they wish to promote; however, they often provide important statistical reports that are reliable such as the number hospital closures.
• American Hospital Association / Alabama Hospital Association
• American Medical Association / Medical Association of the State of Alabama
If you cite a journal article or a report from a reputable organization, using APA format, the reference may include a website address (because pretty much everything is available on the web and it is an easy way to find material both good and bad). The primary citation should be the article or report title, etc., not the website.
For the most part, you should not cite the popular press or popular websites (newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, Washington Post, VOX, CNN, etc.) These are typically reputable news sources; however, for an academic paper follow the popular news story back to the original source of the report, that is, a reference source similar to the ones listed above. The original scholarly report is often referenced in the newspaper article. If the popular press is the original source of the information based on their own reporting, then the popular press should be cited.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference in an academic paper.

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