Based on the MEDEX mission statement, tell us how your values and experience make you a good fit for MEDEX.

Based on the MEDEX mission statement, tell us how your values and experience make you a good fit for MEDEX.

Applying to a Physician’s Assistant Program

Sorry about the long description, they have several questions to answer.

– Medic in the Army

– Wanted to include my respond to house fires while in the Red Cross as a story that inspires my vounteerism

Describe how your experiences working with, talking to, or observing physicians, PA’s or NP’s have convinced you that the PA profession is the right health care role for you.
Worked with several PA’s with strong background in volunteering, showing passion for helping the underserved communities. Compassion for their patients and liked working under multiple specialities during their career (one worked under as Emergency Medicine then switched to orthopedics)

What are the biggest challenges you face in returning to school, and what will you contribute to your MEDEX classmates?
Biggest challenge and excitement includes coming back to structured learning environment, I have been taking independent learning courses and learning through the clinic for several years.

My contributions to MEDEX include my vast military experience, volunteer experience with the Red Cross, and having be able to act at the level of an independent medical provider in austere environments that may provide some insight

Do you believe your academic history accurately reflects your ability to successfully complete PA school? Please explain.
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Case Study
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

In this case our patient is child, so all the information you going to write is about child patients which is different from adults in the following information such as patient preparation.

Case scenario: ‘A 7-month-old infant was brought to the emergency department by her parents after an unwitnessed fall from bed. On multiple, independent interviews, her parents provided a consistent, unwavering history. The patient and her father were lying in bed, when the father was called out to help the mother with the 2-year-old brother. After leaving the bedroom, the father heard a thud and returned immediately to find the patient on the floor crying. She was consoled after 5 minutes, at which time the father noted a depression on the right side of her head. The parents sought medical attention immediately. A thorough evaluation in the emergency department showed a normal physical and neurologic exam, with no evidence of external trauma except for a 2 × 4 × 0.5-cm depression of the skull in the right parietal region.’

Discuss the possible considerations a radiographer would make if a skull x-ray examination was requested for this patient. Length: 1500 words (plus or minus 10%). You are expected to submit your essay in MS Word format. Images are not required for any part of this assignment. If images are used, then they must illustrate the description or explanation that has been given. Images/diagrams will not gain any marks. A penalty of 5% will be incurred for work that exceeds the upper limit of the given word count range. Please refer to the unit website for details of the marking criteria.

Introduction(What is the causes of children head injuries and some consequences of head injuries)
Procedure for infant skull x-rays
· Patient presentation(take the information from the case scenario) (we must concern on the age and gender for the patient)
· X-ray room preparation(should be clean and which numbers you will use of mAs, kVp and FFD for child)
· Patient preparation(How can we prepare child for x-ray?) (Parents help is required) (Short exposure time is important because its child and the movement is uncontrolled)
· X-ray projection(A.P and lateral views and how each one is done (just brief discussion)
Summarize the key points


Alexiou, George A, George Sfakianos and NeofytosProdromou. 2011. ‘Paediatric Head Trauma’. Journal of Emergency Trauma and Shock 4 (3): 403–408.

Beaudina, Marianne, Dickens Saint-Vila, Alain Ouimeta, Claude Mercierb and Louis Crevier. 2007. ‘Clinical Algorithm and Resource Use in the Management of Children with Minor Head Trauma’.Journal of Paediatric Surgery 42 (5): 849–852.

Bontrager, Kenneth L, and John P Lampignano. 2014. Workbook for Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy. 8 ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Carrière, Benoit, Karine Clément and Jocelyn Gravel. 2014. ‘Variation in the Use of Skull Radiographs by Emergency Physicians in Young Children with Minor Head Trauma’.Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine16 (4): 281–287.

Case, Mary E. 2008. ‘Accidental Traumatic Head Injury in Infants and Young Children’. Brain Pathology 18 (4): 583–589.

DeBoer, Scott, Teri Campbell and Michael Seave. 2007. ‘Infant Immobilization and Pediatric Papooses: We’ve Come a Long Way’.Journal of Emergency Nursing 33 (5): 451–455.

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