Describe the basic tenets of behaviorism.

Describe the basic tenets of behaviorism.

Write a Scholarly 5 page interpretation of a case study from the viewpoint of both behaviorism and social cognitive theories. You will describe the basic tenets of the theories and apply the theories to interpret the case study.
Ivan will be graduating from high school next year. Ever since he can remember, the smell of grass, trees and moss has meant everything to Ivan. In school, his times of happiness were solely dependent on the minutes of recess he could go to the forested area in the school playground. He loved learning about how plants grew, but says that it was only a week in kindergarten, really. Otherwise, his opinion of school has been akin to prison, and while he barely passes his classes, his teachers have all noted that he is “not working up to potential” as he is the one of the highest scorers on the national tests.
His family has been very successful in business, and they are achievement-oriented. Ivan’s parents demand a degree from every child and have an account set up for his education that was created before he was born. They have made it clear that this should be a degree with high earning potential, such as engineering or medicine. When he was in 6th grade, his parents discovered he was lacking in extracurricular activities that would prepare him for college and demanded he become involved in at least one team sport, at least one music-oriented activity, and at least one volunteer activity. After a bit of negotiation with his family, he chose rock climbing, percussion lessons, and volunteering with the city parks. Ivan has spent years now working for the park and loves it, would love to continue doing exactly what he is doing now. Ivan wants to convince his parents that he can have a productive and fulfilling career as an adult in an environmental field, but first he has to figure out how to go from volunteering to getting paid to work in the great outdoors.

Reflecting upon what you have learned about behaviorism and social cognitive theories, describe the basic tenets of each theory.
Using theory-specific terminology, describe the elements of your selected case study that relate to each theory.
What elements of the case study would be important from a behaviorist perspective?
What elements of the case study would be important from a social cognitive perspective?
Pretend that the character in the scenario has overcome her or his learning barrier.
Explain how one might achieve his or her goal supported by each of the learning theories.

Complete the following:

Describe the basic tenets of behaviorism. Discuss strengths and limitations of theory. (In depth, with proper citations)

Describe the basic tenets of social cognitive theory. Discuss strengths and limitations of theory. (In depth, with proper citations)

Apply behaviorism and social cognitive terminology and concepts to the case study. Identify any relevant questions or concerns that are not addressed by the theories.(In depth, with proper citations).

Explain how both behaviorism and social cognitive theory might be used to resolve the problem presented in the case study; evaluate the relative applicability of each theory to the case, based on the relevance, currency, and sufficiency of the evidence available (In depth, with proper citations)

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