What have you learned from this person or how have they touched your life?

What have you learned from this person or how have they touched your life?

Select ten (10) individuals who you believe are or were great leaders and write about each one.

These can be public individuals in all walks of life, such as political, business, civic, sports, medicine, the military, the arts or other leaders, past or present, known to the general public or historic figures of interest to you. For each public leader, please use at least one outside source and cite your sources.
 At a minimum, please select 3 public/historic individuals


They can also be private individuals who you have encountered in your life, or who you have had the opportunity to observe firsthand in their leadership roles.
 At a minimum, please select 3 private individuals

(For example, you can write about 3 public and 7 private individuals, 5 from each category, 7 public and 3 private individuals, or any other mix, with no less than 3 public and 3 private individuals.)

Part 1 – Write a report about these leaders:

At a minimum, for each leader you have selected, you should:

  • Give some background information about the person.
  • Explain why you selected him or her as a leader.
    • Based on your concept of what makes them a leader, informed by the course & your life.
  • Comment on his or her leadership style or their approach to leadership
    • Based on some of the theories in the text.
  • Comment on his or her significance to your life
    • What have you learned from this person or how have they touched your life?

For each public leader, please use at least one outside source and cite your sources.

This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages

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