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(A)Can you expand on Cipriano’s recommendations regarding IT (technology/computing)?
(A)Cipriano, P. F. (2011). The future of nursing and health IT: quality elixir. Nursing Economics, 29(5), 286-291.
(B) Nursing CAS explains how residency programs are vital because it allows new nurses to improve in critical thinking and evidence based decision-making skills. New nurses are often faced with challenges, such as a lack of confidence, work relationship difficulties, work environment frustrations, high stress levels, and a lack of organization and priority setting abilities. Nursing school teaches one the basics about a variety of specialties; however, this program allows one to learn more specialized information geared toward the position one is hired for (Nursing CAS, 2018). Nursing CAS states, “Residents have the opportunity to learn now just how to serve patient and families more effectively, but to do so in line with policies, procedures, and technology commonly used at their institution†(Nursing CAS, 2018).
(C) A future of nursing (FON) recommendation was to increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020. The 30 percent goal increase would be over ten years. This recommendation was proposed to address the constant changing in medicine. With nurses representing the largest group in medicine as well as being on the front lines of patient care, nurses need to continue to further their education. To meet health care’s growing demands, nurses must be competent in several disciplines, such as leadership, system improvement, research, teamwork and collaboration, and public health (FON, 2018). An example of a current need is in taking care of the elderly population. With the number of baby-boomer retiring and getting older, nurses need to adapt and expand their knowledge to meet this growing health disparity.