Answer questions and researchs about the vitamin b6
1. You must obtain one additional source (see the list below) in addition to using your book.(not necessary from book, websites are okay)
2. Give a brief over view of your nutrient including
nutrients role in the body
suggested dietary intake
toxicity symptoms (if applicable)
deficiency disease (if applicable)
dietary sources of nutrient & destructibility /bio-availability (if applicable)
significance in chronic disease states (such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer
3. What surprised you most about your nutrient. Why?
4. Provide a brief summary of each article you used for your nutrient reports, including the significant findings, if you did not use it to provide the information above.
5. Make sure you provide a bibliography or reference for each article.
6. Make sure you comment on at least 2 other posts to receive full credit.
APPROVED PERIODICALS AND NEWSLETTERS (no greater than 5 years old). (You may also check the web-sites of these journals for links to research/reference articles.) You should NOT need to pay for articles found online.
Pubmed ( See directions posted in Blackboard
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (
American Journal of Nursing (
American Journal of Public Health (
American Society for Nutrition (
Journal of the American Dietetic Association ( (Links to an external site.) )
Journal of the American Medical Association (
New England Journal of Medicine (
Nutrition and the M.D.
Nutrition Reviews
Nutrition Action Health Letter
Topics in Clinical Nutrition
Tufts University Health and Nutrition Newsletter
University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter (
APPROVED WEB SITES (you may use an article found at these sites if they meet criteria) (Links to an external site.) select Health and then Topic (Links to an external site.) search diet and then pick an article with a relevancy of >90% (Links to an external site.) search patients, then health information (Links to an external site.) Tufts University Health and Nutrition Newsletter (Links to an external site.) American dietetic association (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)