Disaster management 56

Disaster management 56

Post 1-

The humanitarian system is facing a great crisis that has existed even after the development, institutionalization, and the growth of professionalization. This is one of the areas lagging in terms of delivery despite bringing on strong board tools as well as providing the necessary funds for delivering the services. It is clear from the recent emergencies that the humanitarian system has never learned of the past and not yet ready to provide much-needed success. There are still issues going around the system, and that is, however, to be made clear.

In most cases, the department has been let down by the existing governance systems. People are yet to embrace the humanitarian system as a fully-fledged system. There is a human made crisis in this system, which is more than the funds and professionalism in conducting the work. The system is still behind due to the existing mindset and the methods used in the delivery of humanitarian aid. The system is to take a clear stand regarding the partnership between the investors and the implementers as it ought to have done for many years.

The system should, in the first place, understand that aid is not political. Sitting in the House of Representatives and passing the law on providing humanitarian support is not all that is needed for the system. More consequences that are negative might come up from afflicted persons whenever the aid is politicized(Potts et al., 2013).

Time has come that the humanitarian system will be needed to look and address the point of origin to prevent the crisis. Providing food and shelter is not enough in the current crisis. Thus, the humanitarian system should look at this with a broader mind that will ensure that the people who flee their homes are rescued and undergo restoration and return to ensure they do not continue suffering even at the hands of the system itself(Aubyn, 2013). The system has to bring a mind of trust and reconciliation. It is time for the system to move from the traditional view of a political and impartial way of doing things. Sometimes even the most developed humanitarian organizations will fail to work together with the other small organizations due to such issues.

All these concerns and the changes will ensure that the system moves from the traditional point of view and work towards growing a whole new system. It will help solve the most common humanitarian crisis and more; help develop a new approach to humanitarian aid. More so, the humanitarian aid will not depend on the politics of the day and will not rely on the past decision in making relief decisions. It is good to put in place strategies and the tools that will hold on the new demands. This will include a complete change of culture and the mindset among the existing and upcoming systems.




Aubyn, F. (2013, January). Unpacking the Humanitarian and Security Repercussions of the Sahel Crises on West Africa. The draft paper for the 4th Marrakesh Security Forum in Morocco (pp. 25-26).

Potts, M., Henderson, C., & Campbell, M. (2013). The Sahel: A Malthusian Challenge?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 55(4), 501-512.


post 2-

The changing landscape of crises

Disasters, both natural and human-made, continue to wreak havoc in many parts of the world. Recent decades have witnessed pervasive natural and human-made crises, as Al-Jazairi (2018) explains. The cause and impact of disasters are fast-changing. Many new disasters occur due to extreme weather conditions, including flash floods, hurricanes, and drought. Besides these causes, many crises are also human-made. For example, terrorist attacks have more than tripled in the past few years. Terrorists have developed sophisticated methods, including the use of both conventional and biological weapons (Al-Jazairi, 2018). Another cause of crises is the growing problem of infectious diseases, such as Ebola. Political-inspired crises are also a cause for humanitarian concern. Generally, therefore, the sources of crises have increased.

The changes have enormous implications for humanitarian aid. First, humanitarians have to examine many causes of crises. New situations, requiring humanitarian action, develop every day. For example, humanitarians must focus not only on natural disasters, but they must also pay attention to human-made causes of crises, including terrorism and accidents. Secondly, current humanitarian resources and not adequate. According to Al-Jazairi (2018), incidences of disasters have risen in recent years, and it means, now more than ever, societies must invest in more humanitarian aid resources. Humanitarian context is very dynamic, and it requires a lot of resources (Burke, 2004). Humanitarian aid can no longer depend on NGOs and volunteers. There is a need to work with governments and the private sector to develop strategies for responding to current crises.

One of the ways through which humanitarians can prepare and respond to the changing landscape is by embracing technology. Through technology, for instance, aid can reach regions where humanitarians would naturally not reach. In times of political crises, it is often difficult to reach people. Technology can also help to predict the incidences of crises, thereby permitting early preparation (Islam, Khan, and Sharma, n.d.). Further technology can assist in coordinating response efforts. Humanitarian aid should also develop a broad base of partners and donors to help raise funds because charity and volunteerism are no longer sufficient.


Al-Jazairi, A. F. (2018). Disasters and Disaster Medicine. In Essentials of Accident and Emergency Medicine. IntechOpen.

Burke, E. (2004). Ambiguity and Change: Humanitarian NGOs Prepare for the Future.

Islam, S., Khan, S., & Sharma, R. K. Role of Recent Technology in Disaster Management.


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6 days ago

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