How can names communicate ideas about traditions, values, and beliefs?

How can names communicate ideas about traditions, values, and beliefs?

Read the assigned article about the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He undertook many changes to establish a secular state, such as changing the alphabet to Latin letters instead of Arabic script, ending the rule of Islamic law, and permitting divorce. “In 1934, the [Turkish people] were required by law to take last names” (Lawlor, 1996). This final idea can be hard to imagine, but it can also show the importance of names and naming. One may wonder how families would decide. As a result, many Turkish last names have meanings, such as Yıldız (star), Berberoğlu (son of a barber) or Korkmaz (fearless).

First, why do you think last names may have been an important part of “modernizing” the Turkish Republic?

Next, talk about your own name. Does your name have a meaning? What are some of the historical or familial reasons for your first and last name? Do you have a nickname or preferred titles at work or in your community?

How can names communicate ideas about traditions, values, and beliefs?


Lawlor, E. (March 1996) “His Name Meant ‘Father Turk’ and That He Was.” Smithsonian. Vol. 26, Issue 12.

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