Cyber Espionage and Information Warfare (option 2)
Chose a country listed below and research the country’s history and use of information warfare
and cyber espionage. Write an 8-10 page report with references, (use APA formatting style) that
provides a history of the country’s cyber espionage and/or information warfare, and discusses the
motivation behind the acts. The paper should not only be a history of activities by the country.
Rather, you should include insight into how these activities effect the larger topic of cyber
security, and what you see looking forward such as possible attacks and how the country will
adapt their use of technology. Don’t be afraid to make bold predictions but be sure you support
your predictions. Conclude the report with an assessment of future activity and possible targets
for the country’s future cyber espionage and information warfare activities. If you would like to
write about a country not listed below, please email your suggestion for prior approval.
United States China Russia
Iran Israel North Korea
Vietnam Pakistan Syria
Georgia Estonia Ukraine
France United Kingdom Germany
Brazil Australia Japan