Penalties for late submissions

Kaplan Singapore prepares students for the realities of the workforce and further education by requiring students to meet deadlines and submit all work on time. As such, students are required to seek approval and penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with the table below and cited in the Programme Handbook:
No of days late Penalty 1 – 5 days 10% deduction per day from the
marks attained by students. After 5 days Assignments that are submitted
more than 5 days after the due date will not be accepted and it will be deemed as “No Submis- sion”. Student will be required to re-module.
Assignments and Kaplan Learning Management System
Kaplan Singapore School of Diploma Studies requires you to submit Assignments through the Learning Management System (E- Learn LMS). When submitted, your assignment is checked for plagiarism by software called Turnitin linked to the E-Learn LMS. The software is intended to provide one more tool to improve the quality of academic writing and as such will be compulsory for use. It is important to note that this is merely one of many tools available to you and that final decisions about the quality of your work rest with your lecturer.
Assigment Submission: How to Use E-Learn LMS for Assignment Submission
1. You will be enrolled by the School of Diploma Studies Programme Management into the E-Learn LMS system only after your fee payment is confirmed.
2. You will be sent your USER NAME and PASSWORD via email.
3. Reset your password as prompted. 4. Enter the site at the following address: 5. To submit assignment please refer to the
LMS Manual
Please refer to your Student Handbook for more details on Penalties for Plagiarism, Misconduct, Examinations Rules and Regulations. Should you have any queries, please contact