You go to the refrigerator to get the distemper vaccine and realize that the last vaccine expired yesterday, the last day of the month. What should be done?

You go to the refrigerator to get the distemper vaccine and realize that the last vaccine expired yesterday, the last day of the month. What should be done?

You go to the refrigerator to get the distemper vaccine and realize that the last vaccine expired yesterday, the last day of the month. What should be done?
You go to the refrigerator to get the distemper vaccine and realize that the last vaccine expired yesterday, the last day of the month. What should be done?

((1)) Mrs. Jones has a ten o’clock appointment for her new puppy to get a distemper booster, and has arrived on time by taxi. The receptionist has checked her in and she and the puppy are waiting in exam room one. You have taken the temp, pulse, and respiration and have weighed the puppy. You go to the refrigerator to get the distemper vaccine and realize that the last vaccine expired yesterday, the last day of the month. What should be done? (a) Vaccine should be used since it is only one day past its expiration date, (b) Vaccine should be used at twice its recommended dose for added efficacy. (c) If a feline distemper vaccine is available, it should be used instead. (d) Mrs. Jones should be given a new appointment on the date after the next shipment of vaccines comes in.

((2)) Serum- separating tubes or tiger-striped tubes contain. (a) Heparin (b)EDTA
(c)no additives (d) Clot enhancers

((3)) Tail docking and dewclaw removal of puppies is done at: (a) two weeks of age (b) three to five days of age (c) six months of age when the puppy can handle anesthesia (d) breeding facilities only

((4)) Dispensing expired medication, even if by accident is: (a) an embarrassing mistake that the veterinarian will fix (b) acceptable only if the date of expiration is recent (c) Illegal (d) Common practice when working with animals

((5)) FeLV: (a) is like the HIV virus in humans (b)Affects the lymph system (c) Has a High mortality rate (d) Can be cured with the FeLV vaccine

((6)) A cesarean section in a dog: (a) performed only on young dogs with their first litter (b) carries a high risk of mortality in the neonates (c) may be performed on dogs that have a narrow or deformed pelvis (d) is performed with local anesthesia

((7)) In the dental formula for the adult dog, “2x(i 3/3, c1/1, pm 4/4, m 2.3)”, the “2x” refers to the left and the right side of the mouth. (a) true (b) false

((8)) After centrifuging a urine sample, the sediment: (a) is the liquid component(b) floats to the top (c) is contained to the meniscus (d) is obtained by pouring out the liquid portion of the urine

((9)) In the fecal floatation process: (a)parasites eggs float to the bottom (b)centrifugation is required (c) the prepared sample must sit for at least 10mins

((10))Anemia includes: (a) lack of WBCs (b)lack of Hgb (C)numerous amounts of RBCs (D)numerous amounts of WBCs

These next questions are essays, I just want to make sure im not missing anything important in them

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