Non-random mating

Non-random mating

Non-random mating
Non-random mating


How can you mate non-randomly if you are alone? Anyway, click reset. Unlike the other four assumptions of HW, non-random mating does not change allele frequencies, instead it changes genotype frequencies from p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.

Change the simulation display vertical axis so that it displays “Frequency of genotype A1A2” instead of “Frequency of allele A1,” change the number of generations to 15, and click run.

With the default inbreeding coefficient (F) = 0, you should see the final A1A2 genotype frequency = 0.5, i.e. 2pq.


Now make F = 0.1, click run, final A1A2 genotype frequency =

Now make F = 0.3, click run, final A1A2 genotype frequency =

Now make F = 0.5, click run, final A1A2 genotype frequency =

Now make F = 0.7, click run, final A1A2 genotype frequency =



What do you conclude?



So far you have considered each element of HW equilibrium in isolation. Lets put some things together to make things more interesting and more realistic.


The second part of your assignment is to model an interesting but realistic population genetics scenario. There are a number of combinations you could model, for example (1) mutation – selection balance, (2) selection and drift, (3) selection against alleles that migrate in from other populations, (4) underdominance with no genetic drift versus underdominance with genetic drift, (5) selection and drift with an initially rare beneficial allele. Just remember, that for any model that involves genetic drift you will need to run it multiple times to get a sense of what happens on average. Use as much space as you need, but you must address:


(1) Your scenario:


(2) Your model settings:


(3) Your results:


(4) Your overall conclusions:

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