Would you expect the actual/observed number of patients to be different?

Would you expect the actual/observed number of patients to be different? Why might there be differences?

2b. Each individual inherits two copies of the gene for the enzyme, one from each parent. Dr. Ryder suspects that variation in enzyme activity level is controlled by two different versions (alleles) of that gene. Does this graph (and the number of phenotypes) suggest that enzyme activity levels are based on a dominant/recessive or a codominant pattern of inheritance? Explain your answer.

Source: Simplified graph patterned after the top panel of Figure 2 in: Weinshilboum, R.M., and S. Sladek (1980) Mercaptopurine pharmacogenetics: Monogenic inheritance of erythrocyte thiopurine methyltransferase activity. American Journal of Human Genetics 32:651–662.

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