Major encounters with the west

Major encounters with the west

The first encounters of the West and the Chinese were during the 18th Century. The main aim of the west to encounter with the Chinese was to spread the “gospel” as they came as missionaries. This encounter had both hostile and peaceful impacts (Duiker & Spielvogel). Afterward, people became egalitarian since they could air and share their ideas and how they felt about certain aspects of humanity that affected their lives. There was also withdrawal from the society as people became more capitalist and cared only for themselves. Nevertheless, this encounter progressed civilization of China as people became more attuned to the promise of a blissful life afterward that relied on their current preparations.


In conclusion, it is evident that China’s civilization relied on the interplay of “good” and “Bad” that is commonly known as the “yang” and “yin” in Chinese language. Civilization in this country has had various challenges and significant boosts like the western missionaries and the introduction of Daoism that shaped and aligned China in tremendous ways. These changes have created the friendly and supportive ambiance that Chinese enjoys up-to-date making the country to be one of the civilized and best destination across the world.



Duiker, W. J., & Spielvogel, J. J. (2012). The Essential of World History. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Multiple Voices VI. (1989). Buddhism in China: Acceptance, Rejection, and Accommodation.

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Major encounters with the west
Major encounters with the west

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