Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing

· From the textbook, Business Statistics in Practice, read the following chapters:


CHAPTER 9: Hypothesis Testing

Chapter Outline

9.1 The Null and Alternative Hypotheses and Errors in Hypothesis Testing

9.2 z Tests about a Population Mean: σ Known

9.3 t Tests about a Population Mean: σ Unknown

9.4 z Tests about a Population Proportion

9.5 Type II Error Probabilities and Sample Size Determination (Optional)

9.6 The Chi-Square Distribution (Optional)

9.7 Statistical Inference for a Population Variance (Optional)

Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure used to provide evidence in favor of some statement (called a hypothesis). For instance, hypothesis testing might be used to assess whether a population parameter, such as a population mean, differs from a specified standard or previous value. In this chapter we discuss testing hypotheses about population means, proportions, and variances.

In order to illustrate how hypothesis testing works, we revisit several cases introduced in previous chapters and also introduce some new cases:

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