Determine how these leadership competencies apply to organizational success.

  • Determine how these leadership competencies apply to organizational success.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World (Links to an external site.), watch The “Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch (Links to an external site.) video and the Week 1 Assignment video above.

In The Last Lecture video, Randy Pausch informs his audience about his health situation and then goes into sharing his childhood dreams that he was able to achieve. Through his lecture, he is able to demonstrate the leadership competencies commonly identified among leaders from around the world.

In a PowerPoint presentation,

  • Analyze seven key leadership competencies observed in The Last Lecture
  • Identify how these competencies relate to various leadership styles.
  • Determine how these leadership competencies apply to organizational success.

For this class, The Last Lecture assignment will be one of two assignments that will apply toward Folio. Be sure to upload your presentation to Folio once you have completed it and share a link in your submission in addition to uploading it to Waypoint to be graded.

The Last Lecture PowerPoint presentation

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