Routines Encompass a Variety of Classroom Procedures:
p Housekeeping
p Safety and operational features of class business
p Work habits and work procedures
p Developing social or personal skills
p Academics
How Procedures Become Routines:
p Modeling procedures for students to see exactly what it looks like in action.
p Practicing until the procedure is mastered.
p Tenaciously adhering to it until integrated.
p Reinforcing to make sure students absorb it and know that it is important.
Cultural Differences Need to Be Reflected:
p We need to be aware of our own cultural orientation (internalized values, assumptions, and beliefs).
p We need to better know the cultural orientation of our students and use that information to guide the design and implementation of classroom procedures and routines.
To check your knowledge about Routines, see the exercises on The Skillful Teacher website at
T H E S K I L L F U L T E A C H E R 121
Management Discipline
Good student behavior in a classroom derives from many sources. This chapter provides a comprehensive accounting of those sources and how to put them together. It is also a diagnostic map of what could ac- count for off-task students and misbehavior when that occurs, and how to start at root causes to remedy the situation. Think of this topic as having two strands, both contributing to good student behavior:
Strand 1: a set of tools to prevent, diagnose, and treat problem behavior.
Strand 2: a set of tools for building student cooperation and self-discipline.
We also bring in material from other chapters that influences student behavior— Personal Relationship Building, Clarity, and the Management areas of Space, Time, Routines, and Momentum—each of which can cause behavior problems if poorly handled. The sequential map of the two strands is shown in Figure 10.1. It synthesizes the diagnostic sequence we describe in more detail later.
This chapter is also very useful to any teacher implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) because of its concrete detail and exam- ples. The PBIS literature is useful for any school or district that wants to plan carefully and effectively for schoolwide consistency and implementation with fidelity and correct pacing. However, this chapter enables a teacher who wants to carry out PBIS in an individual classroom to go deeply into successful imple- mentation.