Using Physical Movement
When the brain is fully engaged it is more efficient and effective. Vigor- ous physical activity is believed to increase blood flow to the brain. Cross lateral movement that works both sides of the body evenly and involves coordinated motion of both eyes, both ears, both hands, and both feet activates both hemispheres and all four lobes of the brain. As a result, cognitive functioning is heightened and ease of learning increases. (Hannaford, 2005, p. 92)
Using physical movement can have dramatic effects on learning. Intermittent physical movement throughout a learning experience is powerful for maintain- ing the highest levels of attention. Jensen (2000) suggests starting a class period
Optimal learning occurs when there is a balance between the level of challenge and existing knowledge or skills.
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Teachers, who notice that attention is fading, need to ask themselves how long it has been since students last moved.
with two minutes of stretching to increase the overall alertness students bring to the learning experience. If learning experiences call for students to be seden- tary for periods of time, the teacher needs to plan with movement in mind. The movement doesn’t have to be a break from the focus of the lesson. If students have a reason to move periodically (for example, get together with a learning partner seated in some other part of the room for two or three minutes of stand- up processing time, a team relay race where students go to the board one team member at a time to build a proof to a problem, or groups working together to build a human sculpture representing the structure of an atom), chances are they will remain more alert and focused for longer periods of time. The move- ment breaks don’t have to be long; they just have to be timely, occurring at least every 20 to 40 minutes. Teachers who notice that attention is fading need to ask themselves how long it has been since students last moved.