Essential Beliefs About Teaching Knowledge and Skill:

Essential Beliefs About Teaching Knowledge and Skill:

p Teaching is intellectually complex, difficult, and demanding work. The knowledge and skills required to teach successfully are on a par with that required for proficient practice in architec- ture, engineering, or law.

p The nature of professional knowledge is defined by “areas of performance,” “repertoire,” and “matching,” not effective behaviors.

p A professional teacher’s knowledge bases are many, diverse, and complex. Skillful teaching re- quires systematic and continual study of these knowledge bases.

p The development of skillful teaching requires deep collaboration and non-defensive self- examination of practice in relation to student results.

Essential Beliefs About the Learning Environment We Create:

p The total environment of a school has a powerful effect on students’ learning.

p Learning is constructed as learners assimilate new experience with prior knowledge.

p Learning varies with the degree to which a learner’s needs for inclusion, influence, competence, and confidence are met.

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