Knowledge of How to Communicate Effectively with Families and Community

Knowledge of How to Communicate Effectively with Families and Community

Knowledge of How to Communicate Effectively with Families and Community: This knowledge enables teachers to find multiple access channels to communicate to families what they most want to know—that the teacher knows their child and wants the best for him or her. Beyond that is knowledge of how to connect families and their children around homework and how to enlist hard-to-reach families in supporting the edu- cation of their children.

What steps can we each take in our own schools and districts to bring high- expertise teaching skills into the mainstream practice of all teachers? If you are a new or experienced teacher, an administrator, a coach, or a central office ad- ministrator and are concerned about the future of our children, this book is for you, because it explains the what and how of generic pedagogy, a fundamental component of high-expertise teaching. We seek to explain it in all its range and complexity. The Skillful Teacher provides a detailed roadmap for anyone seek- ing to master generic pedagogy.

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