Play Is Deeply Satisfying to Children

Play Is Deeply Satisfying to Children

Probably the single most important purpose of play is that it makes children—and adults, too—happy. In a study of 122 preschoolers in eight various child care settings, 98% of the children cited play as their favorite activity. In addition, researchers found that the highest quality centers offered the most opportunities for free play and allowed extended time for children to play. Even in the centers that were rated “low quality” (where teachers were observed yelling at children and punishing them frequently), the children made play the central focus of their day, liked play best, and expressed happiness because they were able to play (Wiltz & Klein, 2001). Regardless of their situation, almost all children find happiness in play.

As illustrated in Figure 3.1, play forms the essential building blocks in the construction of the whole child.

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