Character education highlights character principles throughout the curriculum. Learning experiences should be engaging, active, and morally purposeful. For example:


Character Principle 1: Integrity: The teacher will use the literature story, The Empty Pot by Demi, to demonstrate the importance of integrity. Students will read the story and then create a sequence flip-book of the main events of the story. On the last page of the flip book, the students will write a summary sentence on “the moral of the story”; they will then write a few sentences on how they can show integrity in their own life experiences and actions.

Character Principle 2: Work Ethic: The teacher will introduce a unit the rise of industrialism in the United States. Students will study concepts in efficiency, division of labor, free enterprise, etc. For a home/school connection activity, students will complete a service learning project of their choice that demonstrates work ethic. Results of this project will be made into a “Social Studies Fair.”


For the Part II Character Education section of the assignment template you should create an abbreviated plan for implementing character education by listing 8 character principles that should be taught throughout the curriculum. Then create a corresponding learning experience that could be used to teach and practice each of the 8 character principles.

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